In the case of filled containers, fumigation of the interior before sea transport is comparatively simple. However, entire wooden houses and roof trusses are also hermetically sealed with foils and subjected to gas treatment in order to save the historic building structure. In both applications, it is important that the duration of exposure and the required gas concentration are strictly adhered to. And the developmental stage of the insect pests also determines the treatment: beetle, maggot or pupa - all must be controlled under precisely defined conditions. If only a few insects survive, the entire elaborate remediation measure was in vain.
smartGAS has developed the appropriate sensors so that users can precisely dose or detect the fumigant. Like all smartGAS sensors, they work on the basis of infrared adsorption (NDIR) and offer the complete, required measuring range spectrum for applications in pest control: On the one hand, high gas concentrations in the vol.% range can be measured precisely, for example for the effective and efficient fumigation of containers, buildings or vehicles. On the other side of the measuring spectrum are the extremely small measuring ranges from 0 to 100 ppm for so-called "clearance measurements". They are important for incoming containers or after pest fumigation of buildings to check whether they have been sufficiently ventilated and are passable again. smartGAS offers individually tailored sensor solutions for all measurement tasks.